Fannie Mae "2055"
Short Form Report
One of our more popular reports, the "Limited Residential Appraisal and Summary Report" is especially useful for those who want to know the value of their property without needing all of the details found in the Uniform Residential Report. It can be used for establishing the value of a property prior to placing it on the market, tax assessment review, uncontested division of matrimonial properties, estate or financial planning, gift tax, or to establish fair market value for sellers or purchasers. It is available for use on single-family dwellings, condominium individual units and planned unit development (PUD) homeowner association individual units. The appraiser's description of the physical characteristics of the property will be obtained from reliable data sources and either an interior and exterior inspection or drive-by exterior inspection (when interior access is not possible or desired). Our Limited Residential Appraisal Report typically consist of a brief neighborhood analysis; description of the site; description of the improvements; direct sales comparison approach utilizing comparable sales on a comparison grid; reconciliation; definition of market value; certification; contingent & limiting conditions; exterior photos of the subject property; exterior photos of all comparable sales used; comparable sales location map and qualifications of the appraiser. |
Uniform Residential Appraisal Report Extensively used by lenders and other investors for purchases and refinancing purposes, the URAR Form 1004, "Uniform Residential Appraisal Report" is one of the most commonly used appraisal form. It is designed for single-family; owner occupied two families, 2-4 family properties to be financed using FHA/HUD financing. It is also used for PMI (private mortgage insurance) removal, formal tax appeals, condemnation, contested division matrimonial properties or any situation involving a single family dwelling or owner occupied two family dwelling in which court testimony is contemplated. The appraiser's description of the physical characteristics of the property and comparables will be obtained from reliable data sources. There will be a thorough interior and exterior inspection. The inspections take about half an hour to one hour, depending on the size of the house and the complexity of its floor plan. A URAR report typically consists of a neighborhood analysis; description of the site; description of the improvements; cost approach; direct sales comparison approach utilizing comparable sales on the comparison grid; reconciliation; definition of market value; certification; contingent & limiting conditions; photos of the subject property; exterior photos of all comparable sales used; general location map; comparable sales location map; sketch of subject property showing room layout; flood map if in print and qualifications of the appraiser. |
Individual Condominium Unit Appraisal Report The Form 1073, "Individual Condominium Unit Appraisal Report" is designed for condominium or homeowner association individual units. Lenders and other investors for purchases and refinancing purposes extensively use it. It is also used for formal tax appeals, contested division of matrimonial properties or any situation involving an individual condominium or homeowner association unit in which court testimony is contemplated. The appraiser's description of the physical characteristics of the property and comparables will be obtained from reliable data sources. There will be a thorough interior and exterior inspection. The inspections take about half an hour to one hour, depending on the size of the project and of the unit. An "Individual Condominium Unit Appraisal Report" typically consists of a neighborhood analysis; description of the site; description of the improvements; cost approach; direct sales comparison approach utilizing comparable sales on the comparison grid; reconciliation; definition of market value; certification; contingent & limiting conditions; photos of the subject property; exterior photos of all comparable sales used; comparable sales location map; sketch of subject property showing room layout; flood map if in print and qualifications of the appraiser. |
Small Residential Income Property Appraisal Report Designed for two to four family income-producing properties, the Form 1025, "Small Residential Income Property is extensively used by lenders and other investors for purchases and refinancing purposes. It is also used for formal tax appeals, condemnation, contested matrimonial or any situation involving a two to four family income property in which court testimony is contemplated. The appraiser's description of the physical characteristics of the property and comparables will be obtained from reliable data sources. There will be a thorough interior and exterior inspection. The inspections take about half an hour to over an hour, depending on the size of the dwelling and the complexity of its floor plan. A "Small Residential Income Property Appraisal Report" typically consists of a neighborhood analysis; description of the site; description of the improvements; rental income analysis; cost approach; income approach; direct sales comparison approach with comparable sales; reconciliation; operating income statement, definition of market value; certification; contingent & limiting conditions; photos of the subject property; exterior photos of all comparable sales used; comparable sales location map; sketch of subject property showing room layout; flood map if in print and qualifications of the appraiser. |
Brief Narrative Appraisal Report Our "Brief Narrative Appraisal Report" is designed for a non-complex commercial, Industrial, retail, small multi-family properties or vacant land (except subdivision) It is used for certain tax appeals, condemnation, contested matrimonial or any situation involving small non-complex commercial property, industrial property or vacant land in which court testimony is contemplated. The appraiser's description of the physical characteristics of the property and comparables will be obtained from reliable data sources. There will be a thorough interior and exterior inspection. The inspection will generally take from one hour to two hours, depending on the size and complexity of the building. Our "Brief Narrative Appraisal Report" is a "summary" report which typically consists of a letter of transmittal; summary of important conclusions, regional analysis, neighborhood analysis; description of the site; description of the improvements; highest and best use analysis; zoning analysis; tax analysis; statement of ownership; property rights appraised; scope of the appraisal; cost approach; income approach; direct sales comparison approach utilizing comparable sales on the comparison grid; reconciliation; description of the appraisal process, definition of market value; certification; contingent & limiting conditions; interior and exterior photos of the subject property; exterior photos of all comparable sales used; comparable sales location map; sketch of subject property showing layout; flood map if in print and qualifications of the appraiser and reviewer (if applicable). |
Full Narrative Appraisal Report Our "Full Narrative Appraisal Report" is designed for any type of commercial or Industrial property or vacant land including sub-division. Lenders and other investors for purchases and refinancing purposes extensively use it. It is also used for formal tax appeals, condemnation, contested matrimonial or any situation involving complex commercial property, industrial property or vacant land in which court testimony is contemplated. The appraiser's description of the physical characteristics of the property and comparables will be obtained from reliable data sources. There will be a thorough interior and exterior inspection. The inspection will generally take from one hour to six hours, depending on the size and complexity of the building. At Centex Properties a "Full Narrative Appraisal Report" is a "self contained" in depth report which typically consists of a letter of transmittal; summary of important conclusions, regional analysis, neighborhood analysis; description of the site; description of the improvements; highest and best use analysis; zoning analysis; tax analysis; statement of ownership; property rights appraised; scope of the appraisal; cost approach; income approach; direct sales comparison approach utilizing comparable sales on the comparison grid; reconciliation; description of the appraisal process, definition of market value; certification; contingent & limiting conditions; interior and exterior photos of the subject property; exterior photos of all comparable sales used; comparable sales location map; sketch of subject property showing layout; flood map if in print and qualifications of the appraiser and reviewer (if applicable). |